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Best Elementor Addons Bundle​

BWD Elementor Addons Bundle has 130+ Elementor widgets and 23 extensions to add almost all essential and attractive sections to your website without any coding knowledge. The plugin has unique preset designs that look awesome. Bundle value $1500+. Get it now for only $59 $39(If you purchase it from our website) 

BWD Addons Bundle
Our Bundle has 130+ widgets. Bundle value $1500+. Get it only at $39 if purchase from our website.

BWD Lord Icon Elementor Addon is a powerful plugin that adds a collection of high-quality, scalable icons to your Elementor website. With this plugin, you can easily add animated and interactive icons to your website without any coding skills.

BWD Lord Icon Elementor Addon offers a wide range of customization options, allowing you to easily change the size, color, and animation of the icons to match your website’s theme and style. It also includes a library of pre-built icon sets, such as social media icons, technology icons, and business icons, that you can use to enhance your website’s visual appeal.

Easy to Use Animated Icons

Easy to Use
Animation Triggers
Fast & Lightweight
Tons of Styling Options

How Does It Work?

The Lordicon widgets is one of the easiest and simplest widgets to use. You can incorporate an animated Icon in your Elementor website using two methods.

Paste Lordicon URL

Get the CDN link from the lordiocn website and just paste it inside of the widget settings.

Upload Lordicon Json File

Download the Json File from the Lordicon library and upload it to the widget using the WordPress media manager.

Box Background With Loop & Button

Animation Triggers

Interact with the different animation triggers


Animation change smoothly

Loop On Hover

Continuous animation on hover


When hover on target


When click on target


A continuous animation

Animated Infographics

Pulse effect with continuous loop