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Best Elementor Addons Bundle​

BWD Elementor Addons Bundle has 130+ Elementor widgets and 23 extensions to add almost all essential and attractive sections to your website without any coding knowledge. The plugin has unique preset designs that look awesome. Bundle value $1500+. Get it now for only $59 $39(If you purchase it from our website) 

BWD Addons Bundle
Our Bundle has 130+ widgets. Bundle value $1500+. Get it only at $39 if purchase from our website.

Advanced Comparison Table Elementor Widget

the Advanced Comparison Table Elementor widget, a powerful tool designed to elevate your website's user experience and enhance your content presentation. This innovative widget goes beyond traditional table elements, offering a smart and professional solution for displaying complex data in a visually appealing and intuitive manner. With the Advanced Comparison Table widget, you can effortlessly create dynamic and interactive tables that captivate your audience. Its sleek design options and customizable features allow you to craft stunning tables tailored to your brand's aesthetic and requirements. Whether you need to compare products, services, features, or any other type of data, this widget empowers you to present information in a clear, concise, and engaging way.

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iPhone XS
iPhone 11
iPhone 11pro
Size All All All
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
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Advanced Comparison Table Feature Style

The widget is SEO-friendly, meaning that it is optimized for search engines and can help improve your website's visibility and ranking. You can add alt tags and captions to your media elements to make them more accessible and understandable to search engines.

Compare Products
Title Oxford Shoes Brogue Shoes Monk Shoes
Size All All All
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Flexible Design Options

The Honeycomb widget allows you to customize the size of the grid that you are working with, giving you greater flexibility and control over the layout of your media displays.

Compare Products
Title Oxford Shoes Brogue Shoes Monk Shoes
Size All All All
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
Purchase Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Use the Table For Compare Your Products

Identify the key features, specifications, or characteristics of your products that you want to compare. These attributes can vary based on the nature of your products and your target audience's preferences. For example, if you're comparing smartphones, attributes could include screen size, camera quality, battery life, and price. Highlight the differences between products to make it easier for users to compare. You can use icons, colors, or text formatting to draw attention to variations in product features.

Compare Products
iPhone 11Pro
iPhone 11
iPhone XR
Title Oxford Shoes Brogue Shoes Monk Shoes
Size All All All
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
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Full Control

Style your widget just the way you want.

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Mens Running Shoes
Super Running Shoes
Kids Running Shoes
Size All All All
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Streamlined Product Comparison Across Devices

The "Advanced Comparison Table" is an advanced feature that enables seamless product comparison across various devices. This innovative table design adjusts dynamically to different screen sizes and resolutions, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction experiences on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. With its responsive layout and fluid elements, users can easily navigate and compare product attributes, specifications, and features without any loss of information or functionality. This responsive approach enhances user engagement, improves accessibility, and provides a consistent and user-friendly experience across devices, empowering customers to make informed purchasing decisions conveniently.

Compare Products
iPhone XS
iPhone 11
iPhone 11pro
Warranty 1 year 4 years 2 years
Availability In Stock In Stock In Stock
Weight 1251 grams 1400 grams 1199 grams
Dimension N/A N/A N/A
Color Red, White, Blue Dark Blue White, Red
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